“Latte With a Lawyer,” a national podcast available on all major digital platforms, featured Seyferth Blumenthal & Harris LLC (SBH) member Charlie Harris in a recent episode. He discussed a wide range of topics, including coffee choice, approach to preparing each case for trial, the specifics of his litigation practice, diversity and inclusion, the Missouri-Kansas rivalry and more, with host Jonathan Brickman.
To listen to the full episode, please kick here.
Latte with a Lawyer is a podcast featuring the stories of attorneys and their strategies and tactics for making an impact in the legal industry. It’s sponsored by EmotionTrac, an AI system that produces real-time emotional data from virtual focus groups to provide insight valuable to legal professionals.
On March 1, 2008, Harris joined the law firm formerly known as Seyferth Knittig & Blumenthal LLC, and the firm changed its name to Seyferth Blumenthal & Harris LLC. He was the first person of color to serve as president of the Missouri Bar. He is a nationally recognized attorney who has also served as special master and general receiver for state and federal judges in complex wrongful death, commercial and business litigation.